Strand 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation
2.2: Network of Towns
“Network for a new Europe” - NET4EU
It was the first meeting in Locri. A lot of discussions to the topic “The new EP after the election and the role of European Parliament for the future of Europe.’’My team from Dagdas local municipality took part. A lot of interesting projects partners opinions to European Democracy : The role of civic participation .
Project partners discussed about next project meetings and desirable result in the end of the project. In working process was created project website and selected the best variant of the logo for this project.
Globalisation has been one of the buzzwords of the past 25 years. Easier travel, the world wide web, the end of the Cold War, trade deals, and new, rapidly developing economies...and now the spread of coronavirus. A lot of areas affected... In this difficult corona-time, it is important to follow the instructions of the government, which, above all, focuses on self-isolation and social distancing. If such decisions have already been taken, it is necessary to comply with them as far as possible. I communicate with my project partners. Be tolerant, supportive! We are now discussing by using social networks on the subject of our project. It is also the realisation of the project, too.